Enjoy this Free Session from Song of Solomon with Tommy Nelson

In this beloved study, Tommy Nelson looks to Song of Solomon to show us that how you handle romantic relationships will change you, for better or for worse.

Used and loved throughout the world, the Song of Solomon series with pastor Tommy Nelson teaches the Biblical design for relationships. For both singles and married couples, this exegetical study follows Solomon’s relationship from attraction to dating and courtship, marriage and intimacy, to resolving conflict, keeping romance alive, and committing to the end.

In Session One, “The Art of Attraction,” Nelson helps us see that beauty that’s only skin deep will not produce deep love. Whether looking for a spouse or loving a spouse, we will learn that what’s attractive in God’s mind increases over time, focuses on internal characteristics, and can be attained by anyone.

Use this Free Session for personal reflection or for group discussion as you look to God’s best for love, marriage, sex and romance.

Head to The Hub Store to access all 12 sessions and the highly-practical study guide.

By |February 10th, 2017|Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson, and Favorite Valentine’s Day Idea

Friends –

Every one of us needs help at Valentine’s Day. Occassionaly, a few of us really knock it out of the park. But, truthfully, most men just get so paralyzed but what to do, we do nothing at all. And when you do nothing at all, you don’t get ‘nothing at all’ – you actually potentially lose it all.

It was in 1994 the very first time I heard Tommy Nelson from Denton Bible Church teach on The Song of Solomon. My life was forever changed. Fast forward one year, and in May of 1995 I am married to the love of my life and my best friend, Carrie, and we are sitting together listening to Song of Solomon a second time, and this time we had bee married for just over 2 months.

You see, the very first time I heard Song of Solomon was January of 1994 and I was leading a bible study called Metro Bible Study in Dallas at Prestonwood Baptist Church. We were expecting about 600 people that first Monday night and before you knew it there were 900 and within the 6 weeks to the final lesson we were passed fire code at 2000 plus. Only God, and maybe His truth on love, dating and sex perhaps could do something like that!

The Song of Solomon and it’s teaching has had an immearsurable impact around the world. It has impacted millions, both married and single, and it challenged and encouraged thousands of pastors to preach on this book of scripture that had been basically censored for 2000 years. I would almost bet, that any preacher who has preached on it since 1995 has used Tommy’s teaching, either by the video or audio, or The Book of Romance by Thomas Nelson as a reference guide.

Here are a few of may favorite things about Song of Solomon by Tommy Nelson:
1. It’s Biblcial – it is a verse by verse Bible Study. I have watched people’s eyes and lives over 150 times as Tommy has taught this and something magical, spiritual happens when people connect God is a positive way to love and sexuality. Yes, actually God is the inventor of sex and He is quite proud of it. It is the world and satan who has deceived us to at a minimum confuse us, if not to poison it completely for many.
2. It’s funny. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. This subject gets so intenese, so intimate, without humor it would just get downright creepy. The laugher opens our heart for the Holy Spirit to then convict with shame, but with true conviction.
3. It’s redemptive. There is so much scar tissue the entire world has around sexuality and relationships and there always will be. God is never expecting perfection from us, so we must believe and know that no matter what you have gone through, God’s plan is to forgive you and heal you. Yes there is hard work on our part generally, but no shame, only healing conviction and instruction.
4. The teaching on Song of Solomon by Tommy Nelson is just so practical. It doesn’t live in theory, it is real, honest, and hepful tools.
5. It is one of the single, greatest pre – marital teaching resource or marriage intervention teaching resource I have ever seen.
6. And finally, it will be all new and all Live this February!

Tommy will teach live every Tuesday night in February from 7 – 8PM CST. It will be available On Demand each Wednesday by 10AM. So, get your friends together at the house or apartment, make 4 dates with your spouse or if you are a church leader, bring in one of the worlds most beloved and gifted communicators for a 4 week series for less than the cost of one plane ticket.

LEARN MORE ABOUT LIVE WITH TOMMY AND SONG OF SOLOMON: http://www.gotothehub.com/live-events/tommy-nelson-live-online-teaching/

As I started this blog, husband, wife, single, what will you do this February to invest in the single greatest relationship on earth, given by God? Make your plans now – whatever God lays on your heart and mind to do.

Bless you and thanks for your time!

By |January 9th, 2014|Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reaching Out to Make Amends

Once Solomon’s wife renewed within her mind a right attitude and a loving perspective toward her husband, she went in search of Solomon.  That’s why the daughters of Jerusalem asked,

Where has your beloved gone,
O fairest among women?
Where has your beloved turned aside,
That we may seek him with you? (Song 6:1)

She had a desire to find Solomon and to make things right.  At that point, others were not perceived as hindering her, shaming her, or hurting her; rather, they were volunteering to help her.  Her conscience was clear.  Her instincts were alive and functioning toward reconciliation.  God was again working with her to find and recover what she had rejected.

My Question For You:

When it is time to make amends, do you seek out your spouse?

My Challenge For You:

After a conflict, when your mind and perspective are right regarding your spouse, go and seek them out to make things right.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |June 9th, 2010|Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

The Response to Her Husband

After reviewing the qualities of her husband as listed in Song of Solomon 5:10-16 Solomon’s wife concluded:

“He is altogether lovely.  He is everything I want in a husband.”

God truly changed her heart, as her husband was kind in the face of wrong.  In the light of her newly awakened awareness of all the good qualities in her husband, she had a strong desire to be the wife he longed to have.

The woman is a fine example of what God does in transforming a person’s attitude.  First, she begins to see things in a new light.  She begins to see the good that has escaped her before.  She sees her mate as God sees her mate!  When that happens, compassion rises in her heart.  And in the wake of compassion, she feels a desire for renewed intimacy and closeness of communication.

My Question For You: Do you look at your mate through God’s eyes or through your own.

My Challenge For You: The next time you are working through conflict with your spouse, change the way you view your spouse and see how that changes things.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |June 3rd, 2010|Hub Thots, Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

Specific Good Qualities to Have in a Marriage – (Part 2)

These are some of Solomon’s features that his wife called to her mind and praised (see Song of Solomon 5:14-16):

He was strong in authority. A king’s position was often revealed by the side jeweled bands of gold that he wore on each arm, a sign of his strength in leadership over a nation, people, or empire.  Solomon had great bearing in his role as king.

He was a “manly man” to his wife, strong in leadership and authority in their relationship. That in no way left room for abuse.  I have counseled women who have come to me with bruises on their arms and faces.  I want to amputate the arms of the men who have hurt them!  Solomon was strong in authority, but he was never a bully.  He led by example, not by demand.

He was spiritually strong. Strength of spirit was—and continues to be—associated with strength in the abdominal area.  The “belly” area has long been considered by the Jewish people to be the locus of one’s eternal spirit.  Solomon exerted spiritual leadership in their home.

He as like a strong rock, a marble statue that could not be moved readily.  Furthermore, the statue was set on a base of gold.  Solomon’s character was established on eternal things of utmost value.  In the eyes of his wife, Solomon was grounded on the Word of God, and he could not be moved from his position before the Lord.

He was physically strong. Physical strength is repeatedly associated with a person’s legs and the ability to stand strong in the face of assault, battle, or calamity.

He stood tall on the inside as well as the outside, just as the cedars of Lebanon grew to great heights and were among the noblest of trees.  Solomon had a bearing about him of self-confidence and self-esteem because he knew who he was in God’s eyes.

His words were spoken with kindness—his mouth was a source of sweetness toward her.

We’ll see her response to the qualities next week.

My Question For You: Which of the qualities described above do you display to your spouse?

My Challenge For You: Pick one of the qualities listed above that you need to work on and make an effort to exhibit to your spouse.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |May 26th, 2010|Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

Tommy Nelson – Specific Good Qualities to Have in a Marriage

These are some of Solomon’s features that his wife called to her mind and praised (see Song of Solomon 5:10-13):

  • He was pure in his motives and behaviors toward her.  Repeatedly she referred to him as white, including white as ivory and white as marble.
  • He was extremely handsome—more handsome even than ten-thousand other men combined.
  • His head (in this case his mind) was filled with wisdom more valuable than gold.
  • He was respected even though he was youthful.  His hair was black, with no evidence of the weakness of age.  Sin is often pictured in the Bible as the weakness of aging. (see Hosea 7:9.)
  • He was gentle; his eyes were soft and tender toward her.
  • He was sober.  The whites of his eyes were white, not reddened by alcohol or debauched living.
  • He had a steadfast gaze and clear outlook toward her.  His eyes were “fitly set,” which means they were wide open and focused on her.  He saw her, and her alone, among all other women.  It is also a reference to the fact that Solomon did not have a shifty look in his eyes; his eyes did not narrow in anger or mistrust, they never openly flared in anger, and they were never bored into dullness.  They were eyes of immutable kindness and unchanging blessing toward her.
  • He was compassionate toward her.  When he held her in his arms, cheek to cheek, there was a sweetness in his expression of love.  When he kissed her, he did so tenderly and sweetly.  He dealt with her in a forgiving, tender, romantic, and loving way at all times.

We’ll cover some more next week.

My Question For You:

Which of the qualities described above do you display to your spouse?

My Challenge For You:

Pick one of the qualities listed above that you need to work on and make an effort to exhibit to your spouse.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |May 19th, 2010|Hub Thots, Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

Tommy Nelson – Submission

One of the most effective responses I’ve ever heard given to a husband who erred in his behavior was one that a wife gave after hearing a sermon about Jesus and Pilate. Pilate said to Jesus, “Do you not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?” Jesus replied, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:10-11). From that moment on, Pilate sought to find a way to release Jesus because he recognized that he, indeed, was under God’s authority.

This young woman said to me, “When my husband makes a decision or embarks on an activity that I know is wrong, I just say to him, ‘Do what you want. You are under God’s authority, and I trust God to deal with you.’”. That’s called submission with a wallop to it! The truth remains, however. All of us are under the authority of someone, and in the marriage chain of command, a husband is under the authority of God. A wife is wise to trust God to manifest His authority in her husband’s life rather than to attempt to take on that role for herself.

My Question For You: How do you feel about submission?

My Challenge For You: We all have to submit to someone, so be wise when people submit to you or you submit to someone else.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |May 11th, 2010|Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson, Weekly Devos|0 Comments

When Teasing Goes Bad

Early in our marriage, my wife was lying in bed one morning, and I said, “Teresa, get up and fix me some breakfast!”  I was teasing her, but my words didn’t exactly come out in the teasing way that I meant for them to sound.  At the same time I spoke those words, I picked up a metric stick that I owned, a four-sided stick with a steel border on one side, and I cracked that stick down on what I thought was a lump in the sheets.  It was my wife’s leg!  I had hit her hard.  I saw her eyes puddle up with tears of pain, and I immediately fled to the kitchen in contrition, determined to serve my wife breakfast in bed!

I popped the top off the orange juice container, and in my hurry to make amends for my bad behavior; I poured orange juice down my front.  At that point, Teresa walked into the kitchen, and I turned toward her, covered in orange juice and said, “You prayed for that.”  She sweetly said, “Come here, Sweetheart,” inviting me for a comforting hug, but as I turned toward her, I hit my head on the corner of the cabinet, and suddenly there was blood trickling down from my forehead and mingling with the spilled orange juice.  I was a mess.

Did I ever again attempt to tease my wife about fixing my breakfast, using a metric stick to emphasize my point?  No way.  For her part, Teresa was kind enough never to bring up the matter again.  She knew God had dealt with me in a better way than she ever could have.

My Question For You:

Has something similar to this ever happened to you?  Were you the teaser or the teased?

My Challenge For You:

Consider what you say wisely when you decide to tease!

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |April 21st, 2010|Conflict, Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments

A Continued Pursuit in Love (Part 4)

Let’s continue from last week’s discussion about Peter’s charge concerning how we act in conflict. Such an attitude and means of resolving conflict begin with how you individually choose to respond to a situation. Will you allow your hurt to linger, fester, and grow, or will you give it to the Lord, ask for His help in resolving the situation, and then speak to your spouse later in loving kindness and with a sure and sincere approach that can bring you to positive resolution?

We come to know in our marriages when we have hurt a spouse. There is a look in the eyes, a slumping of the shoulders, a slow walk away, or a spirit of dejection. I know immediately when I have hurt Teresa. Her eyes fill with tears and I know that—regardless of what has been said or done, and regardless of how “right” I might have been in what I did—I must ask her forgiveness first for hurting her. She knows how to read me equally well. And she knows that before she can ever get across her point of view, she is wise to ask forgiveness for hurting me. It is in this spirit of mutual forgiveness and a desire for mutual continuation of our relationship in love that conflicts are genuinely resolved, a torn relationship is mended, and difficulties are turned into paving stones for a stronger foundation.

My Question For You: What are the signs that your spouse displays when you have hurt them? What do you do when you notice them?

My Challenge For You: When you see these signs from your mate, make a conscious effort to seek forgiveness.

Want to watch the SOS Tommy Nelson Study? You can buy the DVD Series here or Rent one Session at a Time here.

By |March 24th, 2010|Conflict, Hub Thots, Song of Solomon, Weekly Devos|0 Comments

A Continued Pursuit in Love (Part 3)

In 1 Peter 3:1, 3-4, 7-8, Peter taught:

Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands…Do not let your adornment be merely outward…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God…Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.  Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another.

Peter encouraged wives and husbands to deal with each other graciously and tenderly.  A wife is to bear a gentle and quiet spirit in her discussions with her husband.  A husband is to approach his wife as if she is as delicate as a china cup—which is what it means to regard a wife as a “weaker” vessel—recognizing that his bombastic tone and mannerisms can cause his wife to shrivel inside and to feel demeaned.  Don’t hurt each other, Peter said.  Have compassion for each other, and seek to have one mind—in other words, love each other until you reach a common point of agreement.

My Question For You: Husbands, do you treat your wife as a delicate china cup or do your actions cause her to feel demeaned?

My Challenge For You: Have compassion for your spouse when you are in a disagreement—it will serve you well.

By |March 17th, 2010|Conflict, Hub Thots, Song of Solomon, Tommy Nelson|0 Comments